Thrustmaster eSwap X FIGHTING pack, (4460181)
Thrustmaster eSwap X FIGHTING pack, (4460181)
Availability: usually in 14 days
TH0309 / 4460181
Energy class:
Not specified
24 months
Pack of alternative modules for ESWAP X PRO CONTROLLER
- Customize your ESWAP X PRO CONTROLLER: extend your comfort zone in fighting games!
- Circular D-pad, unique and exclusive fighting module, and long triggers.
- Get ready to fight: a powerful, eye-catching dark and beige pack that’s perfect for every fight.
Complementary alternative modules
2 long, black, textured Xbox®-style triggers
1 circular beige D-pad
2 dark grey rubber grips with beige diamond-shaped patterns
1 unique two-button fighting module
Industrial-grade components
Responsiveness: super-responsive tact switches
Precision: clear, responsive mechanical clicks for a better feel
Durability: more than 5 million activations, ensuring an extended lifespan for the modules
Officially licensed by Microsoft® Xbox®
Compatible with Xbox Series X|S
Compatible with Xbox One®
Compatible with Windows® 10
Compatible with the entire range
Compatible with ESWAP X PRO CONTROLLER for Xbox®
- 1 x storage box for modules
- 2 x interchangeable grip modules
- 2 x interchangeable triggers
- 1 x two-button fighting module
- 1 x interchangeable circular D-pad module
- Quick start guide with warranty information
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Best Regards
DISKUS, SPOL. s.r.o.
Best Regards
DISKUS, SPOL. s.r.o.
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21 %