Claims conditions

In case of a claim for defects in the delivered goods, DISKUS, spol. s r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the Seller), with its registered office at Kunětická 2534/2, Prague 2 – Vinohrady, establishes for the Buyer who made a purchase from the Seller the following procedure:


The Buyer is obliged to inspect the goods delivered by the Seller as soon as possible after accepting thereof from the Seller, or, in the case of shipping the goods, after handing over thereof by the carrier.


The Buyer is obliged to notify the Seller immediately, after inspection of the goods delivered, of anydefects that have been detected or could have been detected within a professionally performed inspection. When a difference in the goods quantity or type thereof with the data in the handover report (delivery note) and the goods actually delivered is detected, the Seller must be notified thereof within 24 hours, otherwise the goods shall be deemed to have been delivered in the quantity and type ordered.


The rules for claims set out herein shall apply equally to claims for defects in the deliveredgoods for which the Seller is liable by law, as well as to claims for defects in goods the quality guarantee thereof has been taken over by the Seller. The rights under the liability for defects in the goods for which the Seller is liable by law must be exercised by the Buyer no later than by the end of the statutory liability (2 years from receipt of the goods, except for the goods with the warranty period or the expiry date or shelf life of the packaging marked), and, in the event of a claim for defects in the goods the quality guarantee thereof has been taken over by the Seller, the defects must be claimed no later than by the end of the guaranteeperiod.


The RMA (Return Material Authorization) claim shall be handled pursuant to Act No. 89/2012 Coll.,the Civil Code, within 30 days starting from the moment of receipt of the claimed goods in the Seller’s service centres.


The Buyer can make the RMA claim via the online claim module in the customer account of the e-shop in the section Claims (


Claims shall be made at the Seller's service centres (see for the current list), unless contractually stipulated otherwise or unless the claim is governed by the rules stated in the original guarantee statement supplied directly by the product manufacturer or distributor.


If the goods include the original manufacturer's or distributor's guarantee statement specifying the terms and conditions of claims and service partners, claims shall be made according to the manufacturer's/distributor's rules. The Buyer undertakes to respect the terms and conditions thereof.


When making a claim for goods, the Buyer is obliged to submit:

a) a document proving the timeliness of the claim – a purchase document (proof of purchase of the goods),

b) a report clearly describing the defect.


If the Buyer fails to submit the claimed goods with documentation in accordance with points VII and VIII, the Seller reserves the right to refuse the claim. In such a case, the goods shall be returned to the Buyer by the usual shipping service.


Claims regarding data tapes:

When claiming data tapes, you must fill in the designated claim form below whichis to be sent together with the tapes claimed to the address of the Complaints Department below.


Upon receipt of the goods claimed, the goods shall be tested and, based on the results, the claim shall be further processed.The goods submitted for the claim shall only be tested for the defect indicated in writing by the Buyer (in the claim form). If the description of the defect in the claim form is insufficient, the Seller may refuse the claim. If there are reasons for rejecting the claim, the Buyer shall be immediately notified by the Complaints Department and the claim shall be considered unjustified.


A claim cannot be made in the following cases:

- Loss of a valid proof of purchase,
- Breach of protective or warranty seals and stickers, if any, on the product,
- Normal mechanical damage to the goods, excessive mechanical wear and tear,
- Intentional or negligent damage to the goods,
- Damage to the goods by using accessories unsuitable for the goods,
- If the goods have been damaged in any other way, whether physically or mechanically, and this damage could not demonstrably arise from the proper use of the goods,
- As for CDs and DVDs, they must not show soiling or mechanical damage and must not have been written on (not even in the case of mechanical damage from manufacturing or manufacturing defects),
- Damage to the goods during transport (such damage must be dealt with the carrier directly),
- Use of goods in conditions that are inadequate in terms of temperature, dustiness, humidity, chemical andmechanical influences to the office environment,
- Improper installation, handling, operation or neglect of the goods,
- If the goods or a part thereof have been damaged by a computer virus,
- If the defect only occurs with software for which the customer is unable to provide evidence of a legal method of acquisition or use of unauthorized software and consumables,
- Damage caused by excessive loading or use contrary to the conditions specified in the documentationor general principles,
- For ink cartridges with a weight loss exceeding 10% due to the purchaser's consumption.


If the item claimed is print media, a print sample must be sent with it demonstrating the claimed defect. In the case of suspected damage to the device by a non-original cartridge, it is necessary to documenta statement from the service technician that the defect was caused by the use of this cartridge, as well as to send the used cartridge, printout and degraded piece of equipment.


DISKUS, spol. s r.o. is not liable for damages caused by loss of data resulting from malfunction of a device for data storage. Data storage devices are devices the failure rate of which is an objective phenomenon of a random nature. The Seller hereby draws the Buyer's attention to this fact and recommends systematic backup of user data on a suitable device.


If a properly filed claim cannot be settled for objective reasons by replacement with other goods,the Seller shall, with regard to the type of defect, either refund to the Buyer the purchase price of the claimed goods in the form of a credit note or provide the Buyer with a discount for the claimed goods in the form of a corrective tax document.The method of handling a claim for goods is based on the goods claims procedure determined by the manufacturer.The Seller shall follow the manufacturer's opinion when assessing the defect of the goods.


The goods after repair within the scope of the claim shall be sent to the Buyer at the expense of DISKUS.It is possible to collect the goods personally after agreement with the RMA Department (, tel: +420 776 770 201).


If it is not possible to comply with the specified time period for handling a claim, i.e., 30 days, the Buyer shall be notified thereof by the Complaints Department, and shall be offered an extension of the claim period, replacement, loan of another goods or crediting the price of the goods.Any and all claims as well as disputes arising from claims shall be handled in accordance with applicable law. This Claims Procedure supersedes all previous provisions on the handling of claims and warranty and takes effect from 1 October 2021. The Seller reserves the right to change this Claims Procedure without prior notice, and handling of a particular claim shall always be subject to the Complaints Procedure asagreed by the Buyer on the date of dispatch of the order. In matters not covered hereby, any claim of goods shall be handled in compliance with the relevant provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code.

How to make a claim

The Buyer may make a claim via the online claim module in the customer account of the e-shop in the section Claims, which is a simple tool to file and handle the claim (RMA) successfully. It enables effective communication with the Complaints Department of DISKUS, spol. s r.o.To file a new claim via the online claim module, you need to know the VS of the invoice, the delivery note or the serial number of the product.

A claim may only contain one product.

Procedure for making a claim


2) Login to your user account

3) Click the “Claim” link in the customer account menu

4) Claim form

After going through the interactive claim form, the Buyer shall receive a claim number from the e-shop which is to be marked on the shipment packaging. To mark the shipment, you can use the “Print label” option. Then, the label can be stuck on the package. The printed claim cover sheet with a description of the defect must be inserted into the package with the claimed goods.

The Buyer shall send the completed shipment to the address of the Claims Department:

DISKUS, spol. s r. o.
Areál Green Square
Technická 2523/B1
251 01 Říčany

The status of the claim can then be monitored online in the list of claims in the customer account in the Claims section. In the list of claims, you can filter claims by date of submission, e-shop number,name, etc. Settled and/or pending claims are distinguished by colour.To find out the status of the claim, the Buyer can also contact us by phone on: +420 227 030 211 or by email at

© DISKUS, spol.s r.o. - Company ID No.: 41195183, Tax ID No.: CZ41195183